
BehindWalls_ a collective performance- experience

BehindWalls is a format that allows you as an audience to meet in the virtual theatre This evening you will not spend anonymously and lonely in front of your screen, on the contrary! Here you will have a collective experience and maybe you will finally get the answer from the universe that you have always been waiting for.
BehindWalls sees itself as a platform for artists of the "free scenes". The dance_ video_ performance_ music_contributions have been created in China, Germany, Greece, Switzerland and Spain.

The online streaming is not public, but designed for a few viewers, which makes the evening a special and intimate experience.

Concept: ArtesMobiles With: Andrea Cruz, Birk Schmithüsen, Bob Jones, Chrissi, Christoph Lehmann, Esri Meshugga, Eleni Danesi & Myrto Shae & Senior Gato, Gen.Pi, Hannah Drill & Thalia Schmitt, Jule Torhost, Lefteris Kastrinakist, Moritz Ross, Nina Maria Stemberger, The Slow Blade, Wali, Wilma Larum

To overview