Into The Shed feat. Off The Record LIVE AND STREAM

Off The Record (Concert with Live Audience)
Ronny Graupe - guitar
Dominik Bukowski - vibraphone
Oliver Steidle -drums
Phil Donkin - double bass
Ticket price: 10 EUR.
Time: 08.06 at 8:00 pm CET.
Duration: 1h.
Book here (live audience):
Limited audience!
Tune in in just three easy steps (live stream):
1️⃣ You buy a ticket via Reference: "Off The Record".
2️⃣ You get a confirmation email with all the access data (on the 08/06).
3️⃣ You log in and watch it. Voilà!
Off The Record is Ronny Graupe´s latest project as a leader. The release of the upcoming album "The Call" will be on
Out Of The Shed Records by the end of 2021.
Gefördert durch die Initiative Musik gemeinnützige Projektgesellschaft mbH mit Projektmitteln der Beauftragten der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien.
#intotheshedexclusives #intotheshed #intotheshedberlin #jazz #berlin #ronnygraupe #berlinjazz #akustisch #konzert #concert #MustHear #offtherecord #compositions #hausdersinne #improvisation #jazzstandards #avantgarde #outoftheshed #olisteidle #dominikbukowski #phildonkin