
Last Mile Delivery Meetup

Delivery companies around the world are using technology to solve the trade-off between productivity and user experience. We invite you to delve into cutting-edge strategies to improve the customer experience on the final mile.

Discover the future of seamless delivery and learn how carriers and shippers use technology to create a superior last-mile experience.

💡 Expert talks:
Steven Bergan, President at General Logistics Systems US
Mike Koleno, CTO, Better Trucks

🎯 The #lastmilemeetup brings together parcel industry professionals, tech innovators, and last mile disruptors to discuss challenges, strategies and tools to transform last mile delivery and create a better experience for everyone. Connect with a diverse community of logistics enthusiasts to share experiences, build relationships, and ignite collaborations.

🎟️ Register for the hybrid event: https://bettermile.com/last-mile-meetup

To overview