
Rookling at tik Live Stream

Thursday sounds like ... Rookling. In the autumn of ’18, Rookling swapped the spires and hills of England for the Berlin underground. He stepped off the plane with a guitar, a suitcase, and a dream: to share his music with the world. The city sent him reeling. He escaped into his songbook and the solace of storytelling, evoking love, death, and landscapes strange and dear. All the while, the hearth-fire warmth of Fleet Foxes and Nick Drake were helping mould his harmonies.
Each Rookling song blends the solemnity of an altar with the urgency of a church bell. The influence of the greats is unmistakeable: he channels the uncommon poetry of Joni Mitchell and Leonard Cohen, adding a more archaic thrill of his own. At a tender twenty-three, Rookling is a folk-prophet in the making.

THURSDAY SOUNDS: - Singer/Songwriter Konzerte im Tik, ab 21.00 Uhr
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Das Konzert wird gefördert von:
Initiative Musik gGmbH
Förderprogramm Live 100

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