
Female and Feminist Activism in WANA

At this digital evening event we would like to take a closer look at the topic of female and feminist activism in West Asia and North Africa. Across countries, we will encounter different women from the region who are actively engaged in activist movements or groups and/or make important contributions to society through their work.

19:00 Welcome by our host Anna-Theresa Bachmann of dis:orient e.V.

19:10 Live connection to Morocco: Input from writer and film director Sonia Terrab about the Moroccan Outlaw Collective she co-founded to combat laws undermining sexual freedom. Followed by Q&A.

19:40 Live connection to Kuwait: Input from Nour Al Mukhled, Project Manager at Eithar, an organization fighting domestic abuse, and active member of the Abolish 153 campaign, followed by Q&A.

20:10 Live connection to political activist Muzna Alhaj in Khartoum, input about the role of women in the country’s transformation process and the issue of female genital mutilation. Followed by Q&A.

20:40 Closing remarks and announcements.

Registration for Zoom: https://www.alsharq-reise.de/de/node/3138?_ga=2.176610147.735618510.1601809205-1814516922.1601574146


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