Into the shed vol.29 Peter van Huffel / Yorgos Dimitriadis

Concert with Live Streaming vol. 29
Jazz Classics and original tunes
Peter van Huffel (sax)
Yorgos Dimitriadis (dr)
In order to fight against the spread of the Coronavirus, tremendous cuts were done. Into the shed is an idea born out of an imminent desire to counteract the inevitable economic hardships and psychological stress. Musicians contributing to the Into the shed are all a part of the big and vibrant Berlin jazz and improvised music scene. We kindly ask every listener of these live stream concerts to pay their virtual tickets. Please compensate the entrance fee (we suggest 5-10€ or more if you can afford it) as if you were listening to us in a concert venue. You can buy your virtual concert ticket via PayPal.me/intotheshed.
#corona #jazz #berlin #ronnygraupe #coronavirus #berlinjazz #akustisch #konzert #concert #MustHear #yorgosdimitriadis #keys #intotheshed #petervanhuffel #sax #saxophone #drums #percussion #improvisation