Performance | Theaterstück | Tanz | Sonstige
It's Mime Time!: 'Okuni - Mother of Kabuki'

Diese Woche senden wir ein It's Mime Time! Special: 'Okuni - Mother of Kabuki' von der YAYOI Theatre Movement Society aus Tokyo/Vancouver.
Das Stück erzählt die Geschichte von Okuni, der Schöpferin und Hauptdarstellering des japanischen Kabuki Theaters. Kabuki ist einer der beiden großen traditionellen japanischen Theaterstile (der andere ist das Nho-Theater). Es umfasst Gesang, Pantomime und Tanz. Okuni war im letzten Viertel des 16. Jahrhunderts eine Nonne in Izumo, die zur Zeit der Gewaltherrschaft der Samurai diese Theaterkunst erfand.
======= English Version =========
This week we are airing an It's Mime Time! Special: 'Okuni - Mother of Kabuki' by the YAYOI Theatre Movement Society from Tokyo/Vancouver.
The play tells the story of Okuni, the creator and main performer of Japanese Kabuki Theatre. Kabuki is one of the two major traditional Japanese theater styles (the other being Nho theater). It includes singing, mime and dance. Okuni was a nun in Izumo in the last quarter of the 16th century who invented this theatrical art during the time of samurai tyranny.